This program provides relief to the poor, disabled, and elderly through low-cost community service projects. In addition, this community outreach program helps to beautify our community in order to combat community deterioration, prevent criminal activity, encourage community engagement, and reduce the stress often associated with child neglect and pet relinquishment.
As we look around our community, we see homes that used to be vibrant that are now overgrown with weeds and simple repairs left untouched.
According to the National Crime Prevention Council, “community beautification raises community and individual pride, and often brings a community closer together for common activities, with noticeable crime reduction effects”.
Two of the major goals of Revitalize Our Community are to help assure that veterans, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities live in dwellings free of safety hazards and to stimulate our economy by providing financial assistance in the form of sliding fees and financing for valuable services. We offer these forms of financial assistance, which are not available through normal commercial sources, in order to allow our community to use their income on economic growth and other things that matter in life, such as their children and pets. As we grow, we will provide livable wage positions to further stimulate our economy and help our community lower its unemployment rate.